
On the third day the black water fell

Disquiet Junto Project 0613: Test Drive

Comment posted on the Soundcloud for this song:

Been meaning to get around to posting something to a Disquiet Junto, and since this Junto is about finally getting around to something this seemed like a good time to jump in. Been meaning to get around to posting something to a Disquiet Junto, and since this Junto is about finally getting around to something this seemed like a good time to jump in.

Musically the idea is to do music for meditators, similar to the sound bath genre. Sound Bath music usually uses sounds associated with Buddhism, like gongs and bells from Tibet. I find those instruments a little corny, appropriated, exoticist. My background is americana and folk. That’s what I can play in an authentic way. So the main instruments here are from bluegrass – an old Gibson mandolin and a National steel guitar. In addition to those I’m playing a synthesizer, an Arturia Microfreak, using a bell sound that recalls traditional sound bath influences. All of these sounds are passing through a Microcosm pedal, which adds some classic ambient flavors like delay, glitching, and heavy reverb. The song that this is all based on is a fiddle tune called “The Black Water Fall.”

“MP3 and sheet music etc are on my blog at playingintongues.com/2023/09/28/on-…-day-she-left/

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